Hao's story

Hao went blind at just five. Once a cheeky kid, he became withdrawn and couldn’t go to school. His father feared Hao would die.

Shashetu's story

Trachoma is at crisis levels in Ethiopia and Shashetu, a twenty-five year old mother of two, was in desperate need of a sight saving operation.

Sao's story

Before Sao went blind, she helped support her family by making grass bed mats. Sadly, Sao’s blindness now meant she couldn’t even walk anywhere by herself.

Reggie's story

His father died soon after losing his sight and Reggie feared the same thing would happen to him before he could pass on his knowledge to the next generation.

Hen Vin's story

This man has been through more than any of us can ever imagine – Cambodia’s tragic past, a landmine explosion and after all of that, cataract blindness

Vann's story

The village kids had started teasing Vann because she was different – until a 20 minute operation changed her life.

Kipar's story

When Kipar's family discovered his sight was treatable, Kipar and his father walked 25km in the extreme Kenyan heat to save his eyesight.

Simila's story

Simila wants to become a doctor, but she often has to stay home from school to help her mother.

Sudip's story

All Sudip had been able to see for the past seven years were shapes and shadows, so when he heard his blindness was treatable, Sudip and his young wife walked for two days to get the help he needed.

Cam's story

Seven-year old Cam lives with her mother Hoa and father Nhat in Vietnam. She’d been blind for four years with congenital cataract. A few years ago, Cam’s brother Quoc also had cataract, and the family spent all of their