Ruth and Rosa的故事

Ruth Hollows和Rosa Hollows 在父親的傳奇下成長,但卻沒有關於父親的回憶。她們到訪尼泊爾,透過Lapka的遭遇,親眼見證父親的工作如何延續至今天。

Sao's story

Before Sao went blind, she helped support her family by making grass bed mats. Sadly, Sao’s blindness now meant she couldn’t even walk anywhere by herself.

Shashetu's story

Trachoma is at crisis levels in Ethiopia and Shashetu, a twenty-five year old mother of two, was in desperate need of a sight saving operation.

Vann's story

The village kids had started teasing Vann because she was different – until a 20 minute operation changed her life.

