Hong Kong
Eye health

香港貧窮懸殊的問題,已是一個不爭的事實,低收入及無家者一直未有完善的護眼服務,情況令人擔心。有見及此,國際眼科發展機構 — 護瞳行動,夥拍香港非牟利組織 — 同路舍合辦眼睛篩查活動「瞳路@護眼行動」,目標為約100名低收入及無家者、或難以負擔專科醫生治療及眼睛檢查的弱勢社群,免費安排眼睛健康講座、眼疾篩查及配眼鏡服務。
護瞳行動眼科顧問醫生林傑人(左); 護瞳行動香港及東盟總幹事李駿晴;同路舍註冊社工及高級項目經理吳兆康(右)
15%參加者需轉介眼科專科 一半人有屈光不正問題
首次活動於2023年8月13日進行,先有 34名參加者出席由眼科專科醫生兼護瞳行動眼科顧問醫生林傑人講解的眼睛健康講座、其後進行眼睛篩查及驗眼配鏡服務。是次活動中護瞳行動發現有一半參加者因近視或老花而需配戴眼鏡,更有不少是人生中首次進行驗眼,而當中15% 的人在檢查中發現可能有眼疾問題,需轉介公立醫院作進一步檢查。

Michael Amendolia’s favourite photos of sight restored
Photographer Michael Amendolia reflects on his most powerful moments documenting sight restoration for The Fred Hollows Foundation, sharing his favourite photos and the inspiring stories behind them from around the world.

Koori Knockout raises eye health awareness among thousands on World Sight Day
World Sight Day shines a spotlight on the importance of eye care, especially for young people. This year, the Koori Knockout in Bathurst, NSW — one of the largest annual gatherings of Indigenous peoples in the southern hemisphere — served as an ideal platform for raising awareness about eye health.

Eyes on the Future: Australian and New Zealand Governments Invest in Centre for Eye Health in Papua New Guinea
The Governments of Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand have partnered with one of the region’s most iconic and trusted NGOs, The Fred Hollows Foundation, by investing in a new Centre for Eye Health in Papua New Guinea’s capital Port Moresby.