23 hours, three flights, two cars and a boat up the Mekong river: legendary journalist Ray Martin, close friend of Fred Hollows, joined us last month on a remarkable journey to capture how we give back sight - and life – in Laos. And on Friday night, he shared it with the nation on A Current Affair.

"What you do is a miracle."

In a unique story that captivated a million Australians, Ray followed the extrordinary transformation of twin boys blind since birth. Lao PDR faces huge health challenges due to poverty and lack medical services access which left the twins on the brink of losing their childhood to avoidable blindness.

However, there’s light in the darkness. Thanks to generous donations to The Fred Hollows Foundation, local surgeons in Laos were able to give hope to the twins and their family.

You can watch the full segment now on A Current Affair's website.

Look out for more on this story, and the sight-restoring voyage of the baby boys, very soon....